Ormond Beach Periodontics: Are You an Ideal Candidate for LANAP Laser Treatment?

Promptly treating gum disease is so important, as failure to do so can lead to further complications for both your teeth and your overall health. While many patients know the importance of seeking treatment, many are nervous about the idea of gum surgery. While your periodontists will make every attempt to manage pain through local or general […]
Is Laser Periodontal Treatment The Best Option For Treating Gum Disease?

As technology continues to revolutionize dental care, today’s patients can benefit from less painful, minimally invasive ways to treat serious oral conditions like gum disease. Among those methods is utilizing laser technology to treat moderate to severe cases of periodontitis. While dental lasers have been around for quite some time, new research continues to prove their effectiveness especially when compared to […]
3 Reasons Ormond Beach Periodontics Is The Best Place For Laser Treatment

Laser Periodontal Treatment has become an increasingly popular and effective method for treating periodontitis over the last couple of years thanks to its many benefits. The procedure itself is relatively simple and far less invasive than traditional gum disease treatments. As a result, recovery is often quick and pain is minimal. While laser treatment has many […]
Looking For Laser Periodontal Treatment In Ormond Beach?

All dentistry is local. And all periodontal care is intensely personal. Choosing your periodontist on whom you will rely for immediate needs and on an ongoing basis is a major life decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you are looking for a local periodontist in Ormond Beach, Florida, or in the surrounding communities, look […]
Treating Gum Disease With Lasers

More than half of US adults have had or will have some form of gum disease at some point in life. And many times, when you first learn you have gum disease, you may feel frightened and uncertain as to what (if anything) can be done about it. But if you do have gingivitis, periodontitis, […]
How Lasers Counteract Gum Disease

Gum health is just as important as tooth health – and it is an integral part of your overall oral health. So when your periodontal (gum) tissue is suffering, you want to do everything possible to save it. Acting quickly is one key to minimizing damage and allowing for a fast reversal. The second key […]
How Lasers Are Transforming Periodontal Treatment

Learning you have gum disease can be, to say the least, extremely stressful and disconcerting. You rely on your gums every day without ever thinking about them, but when they begin to show signs of infection and recession, you may find it hard to think of anything else. But beyond the pain and discomfort of […]
Gum Disease? Laser Periodontal Treatment To The Rescue!

When you first discover you have periodontal disease (gum disease), it can be quite a shock, to say the least. You may have had periodontal problems festering for months, or even years, without realizing that anything serious was going on in your mouth. And then suddenly, you find out you need to move quickly to […]
Kill The Germs With Laser Periodontal Treatment

Gum disease, or “periodontal disease,” can have a devastating effect on your oral and overall health, and it is much more common than most people realize. Most US adults will come down with some stage of gum disease at some point in their life, be it a mild form of gingivitis or a full-blown case […]
Why Choose Laser Periodontal Treatment For Gum Disease?

It’s important to take periodontal disease seriously – both as to prevention and treatment. Most US adults will have at least a mild form of gum disease at some point during their life, but with timely and appropriate action, it need not be permanent nor cause long-term problems. There are many methods of reversing and […]