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Accepting New Patients

Scaling & Root Planing

When fighting a battle against gum disease, sometimes you need a deep clean. Scaling and Root Planing are simple yet effective cleaning techniques used to clean plaque beneath the gums.

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Scaling and Root Planing can eliminate bacteria and prevent the spread of gum disease. The act of scraping away excess plaque and smoothing out the ridges on the tooth make it more difficult for bacteria to settle in and easier for gums to grow back up around the tooth. Plus, there are the added benefits of removing staining and unsightly plaque giving you and even more beautiful smile.
Scaling and Root Planing techniques are most often used with patients with severe gum disease known as periodontitis. Common symptoms of periodontitis include swollen and bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, painful, sensitive, or loose teeth, and visibly receding gums. If you have any of these symptoms it may need this treatment.
The frequency of your Scaling and Root Planing depends upon the severity of your gum disease. Some patients come once a quarter for a deep clean, while others visit us once or twice a year. The goal is to stop gum disease in its tracks, and we’ll treat your teeth as much as we need to in order to help you achieve the most optimal dental health possible.
Scaling and Root Planing are a few of the periodontal treatments we offer to our patients. Often, these treatments are done within the context of a great plan for dental health. If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, please contact our office as soon as possible to set an appointment for an evaluation. Together we’ll formulate a plan to promote your gum health.

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