Why Are Implant-supported Bridges Superior?
Implant-supported bridges are superior to ordinary bridges for all the reasons that dental implants superior to other tooth restoration options. The implant keeps enough pressure on the underlying jawbone to prevent resorption of bone matter and consequent sinking of the gums. The implant makes for a strong, normal bite pattern, functioning just like a natural tooth. And implants are a long term, or even permanent, solution.
An additional benefit is that there is no need to shave off parts of neighboring teeth to enable attachment to the bridge (for support) with implant-based bridges. Thus, this variety of dental bridge saves adjacent teeth as well as functioning better to begin with.
Why Else Might I Get Implant-based Bridges?
If you are replacing only one tooth or only a few scattered teeth with dental implants, there is usually no need for bridges – or possibility of them. If you have two directly adjacent implants, however, your dentist may recommend bridging the two together to reduce pressure on each implant.
Spreading out the pressure this way decreases the chances of an implant root failing to attach properly to the bone. Implants have a 99% success rate, and a 98% success rate with Teeth In One Day, but the rate might be lower for those who compulsively grind or clench their teeth. Bridges reduce that risk.
You can also have a bridge that spans three or four missing teeth with one implant on each end. In this case, you not only spread out the pressure but also reduce the number of implants needed (and the expense).
Finally, you may opt for an implant-supported bridge if a nerve or sinus cavity is too close to where an implant would otherwise go. Bridging around such risky areas is often a wise move.
Can I Get My Bridges Via Teeth In One Day?
If you have too little bone matter for the implant to fuse to, you will need bone graft surgery first, and the implant surgery itself will come around four months later. If you need periodontal surgery first, that also can delay implant surgery and eliminate the possibility of safely getting implants same-day.
Most others, however, are good candidates for the Teeth In One Day process. This method allows you to do extractions, implant placement, and bridge placement in a single periodontal visit. That saves you time, money, and discomfort and still yields effective, durable results.
In some cases, you might need to wear temporary crowns for a time, and you will need to go easy on the new teeth while they fully heal. But you get your teeth in one day instead of over several months.
To learn more about how Teeth In One Day works, and about dental bridges, contact Dr. Raymond A. Kenzik in Ormond Beach, or elsewhere in Central Florida, today!