Some Signs of Good Versus Poor Oral Health
You may need to see your periodontist to ascertain the exact state of your oral and dental health, but there are many tell tale signs that anyone can spot all on their own.
Healthy teeth stay firmly in place and do not shift or hurt when you bite down. They are properly aligned, free from encrusted plaque or tartar, have no unfilled cavities, and show no signs of enamel wear or deep, permanent stains.
Healthy gums will look pink, not reddish or purple, will not easily bleed or experience pain when you brush and floss, will be free from swelling and sores, and will not be abnormally receded back so as to expose too much tooth root (which can then cause tooth hypersensitivity, tooth root decay, and ultimately tooth loss).
A healthy mouth will look and feel clean, not be overly dry, be free from infections and sores, and not be afflicted with the condition known as halitosis (chronic bad breath).
The signs and effects of poor oral health, however, can be quite severe if left uncorrected for long periods of time. Preventative measures can prevent your needing root canals, extractions, dental implants, periodontal treatment, and a host of other dental procedures.
How To Keep Your Mouth Healthy
There are a number of important actions you can take to protect and prolong your oral health. First of all, your daily cleaning regimen will have a huge impact on mouth health over the years.
Brushing, flossing, and using an antiseptic mouth rinse at least twice a day (once in the morning after breakfast and once at night just before going to bed), will keep your mouth clean. It will prevent food particles from becoming festering breeding grounds of mouth bacteria, eliminate plaque in its “infant stages,” and protect your gums from infection and deterioration.
Don’t forget to brush behind your teeth and gently over your gum line with a soft bristled brush. Always brush your tongue because more bacteria lives there than anywhere else in your mouth. Maintain a healthy diet, with only limited amounts of sugary foods. Get plenty of nutrients to build up your gums and calcium and potassium to keep your teeth and jawbone strong.
And also eat plenty of “crunchy” fruits and vegetables like celery, apples, and raw carrots and drink a tall glass of water at least three times a day. These practices will scrape plaque off your teeth the natural away and, once loosened, rinse it away. Using a water flosser has proven to be very helpful to many of our patients. You can ask the staff at Dr Kenzik’s office if you are a candidate for this aid!
Finally, you should schedule 2 dental check ups per year, with at least one of them being at a periodontist’s office if you’ve struggled with gum disease or other periodontal issues.
To learn more about how to keep up optimal oral health, feel free to contact Dr. Raymond A. Kenzik in Ormond Beach, FL today!