The Dangers Of Periodontal Disease
Following good oral hygiene tips at home and scheduling an annual periodontal checkup do much to reduce your risk of developing gum disease. But how dangerous is gum disease to begin with? In answer to that question, consider the following problems it can cause:
First, plaque and bacterial build up on your gum lines can cause those gum lines to gradually recede. Over time, your tooth roots will become more and more exposed, which makes it easier for those teeth to get cavities and need fillings and/or root canals.
Second, periodontal tissue can become weak and oversensitive. It may become painful and even bleed easily when you brush and floss. Some of your favorite foods and drinks may also start causing your gums and teeth discomfort, both due to acid content and to hot or cold temperatures.
Third, advanced gum deterioration can lead to swelling, pus excretion, and the formation of deep bacterial pockets in your gums tissue. If left uncorrected, these “deep periodontal pockets” can lead to bone and tooth loss.
Fourth and finally, bad gum health can lead to inflammations and infections spreading to other parts of the body. And poor periodontal health is also connected with increased risks of heart disease, out of control diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and some forms of cancer.
How Dental Hygiene Can Protect Your Gums
Is there anything you can do to protect your teeth and gums from deterioration and all of the painful, costly problems that such deterioration can lead to? Indeed, there is. Practicing good dental hygiene at home has a huge impact. In fact, poor oral hygiene is the number one contributing cause to periodontal disease.
By removing plaque from between your teeth and from along your gum lines, you eliminate the main source of gum disease. And by using an antiseptic mouthwash daily (especially just after waking up in the morning and just before going to bed at night), you kill off bacteria that are clinging to your gum tissue.
For those who tend to accumulate tartar quickly, using a special tartar control toothpaste is also a big help in fighting gum disease.
Be especially careful to floss once or twice per day since interdental food particles will rest on the gums where they pass between teeth. And use a toothpick to scrape off plaque on the gum line since that is the key area (above all others) where gum deterioration tends to take place.
Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush so you can gently brush your gums without hurting them. And replace your brush every 3 or 4 months.
Plus, don’t neglect regular dental and periodontal check ups and oral cleanings, and see your periodontist without delay if you suspect you may have the early stages of gum disease. Catching periodontal problems early makes them much easier (and less costly) to reverse.
To learn more about how good dental hygiene can protect the health of both teeth and gums, contact periodontist Dr. Raymond A. Kenzik in Ormond Beach, FL, today!