Preparing For Dental Implants
Perhaps, you have already reviewed the various tooth restoration options available today and have decided on dental implants as your best option. But did you know that in some cases you may need to take steps to prepare your mouth for the procedure? Everyone should prepare mentally and should learn the basics of how implants […]
Gum Disease? Laser Periodontal Treatment To The Rescue!
When you first discover you have periodontal disease (gum disease), it can be quite a shock, to say the least. You may have had periodontal problems festering for months, or even years, without realizing that anything serious was going on in your mouth. And then suddenly, you find out you need to move quickly to […]
Kill The Germs With Laser Periodontal Treatment
Gum disease, or “periodontal disease,” can have a devastating effect on your oral and overall health, and it is much more common than most people realize. Most US adults will come down with some stage of gum disease at some point in their life, be it a mild form of gingivitis or a full-blown case […]
What Are They Saying About Dental Implants?
Although dental implants are on the cutting edge of modern dentistry, the basic concept has been around for years now and there are millions of satisfied patients out there. You could easily look up dental implants online and find reviews, but here, we just want to “sum up” what people are saying about them. On […]
Why Choose Laser Periodontal Treatment For Gum Disease?
It’s important to take periodontal disease seriously – both as to prevention and treatment. Most US adults will have at least a mild form of gum disease at some point during their life, but with timely and appropriate action, it need not be permanent nor cause long-term problems. There are many methods of reversing and […]
Modern Tooth Restoration Options
Whether you want to “repair” a damaged tooth or replace a missing tooth, there are quite a few tooth restoration options available today. There are many factors that go into choosing which option is right for you, and you will definitely want to speak to your local periodontist. But it also helps to have a […]
A Dozen Good Reasons to Say “Yes!” To Dental Implants
Modern dental implants offer a wide range of benefits and solve numerous problems caused by tooth loss that other tooth restoration methods can’t solve. If you are missing one or more teeth, or if you are about to get a tooth extraction, you may be considering having implants placed. If so, it’s important to understand […]
Is Laser Periodontal Treatment Right For Me?
Your teeth, gums, and overall oral health are too valuable to be neglected – they impact your smile and your comfort level while doing simple things like chewing or speaking. When gum disease affects your oral health, you immediately realize how important it really is and begin searching for the best possible solution. As you […]
Top 10 Benefits of Laser Periodontal Treatment
You may have heard of laser periodontal treatment but still not know a lot about how it works. If you have any stage or severity of gum disease, all the way from gingivitis to advanced periodontitis, you can greatly benefit from this kind of treatment. Modern dentistry can do amazing things with lasers, including removing […]
Planting Dental Implants – The Process
Suffering from tooth loss? Or maybe you are about to have a tooth extracted and don’t want to simply have a gap in your smile permanently. That’s not at all uncommon, and there are solutions to tooth loss available today that never were before. Modern dental implants are the premier method of tooth restoration, on […]